GD6, one of the fastest-growing online betting platforms in Asia, has announced that it has signed a multi-year contract extension with Chinese professional footballer, Wu Lei. This is in recognition for his contributions to promoting and developing GD6’s brand image in China.
In accordance with this new partnership, Wu Lei will remain as the official global ambassador for GD6 as he aims to promote responsible online casino betting and support for Chinese football players across Asia.
“I am proud and honoured to represent GD6 again,” said Wu Lei. The athlete became the brand’s first ever Asian ambassador in 2016 and will continue his involvement in more branding activities for various projects currently underway by GD6 including an upcoming event to promote grassroots football among children across Asia.
He will be featured on digital ads, social media campaigns and various other advertising initiatives for the online betting site. His popularity is also seen in his status as one of China’s most followed athletes on Chinese social media platform Weibo.
In a statement from the GD6’s Media Director, Gary Lee, “We are excited to continue our partnership with Mr. Wu. His passion for the game is contagious and we look forward to being able to work together again.” The extension will last for at least three years and will lead into a fourth year if all terms are met during this time period.
With this latest agreement, GD6 will be able to continue expanding their presence in China and abroad for years to come. They are also confident that having an icon like Wu will help them reach new heights in terms of sales revenue and customer satisfaction rates internationally.